Balmaceda and Serrano Glacier Tour

3smI have been in Puerto Natales, Chile for Several days now.  I am going to try to do two posts today to catch everyone up on what I’ve done here.  It’s been pretty incredible.  On my first day here, I took a lovely, leisurely boat tour to two glaciers. I met lovely people on the boat, and saw some incredible things.  This post is going to be more images than words. 2sm  4sm This glacier, Balmaceda, is high above sea level (as you can see).  In the late 1980’s in reached all the way to the water.  In case you weren’t sure that the glaciers are melting…6sm 7sm On the boat I met Sophie, a lovely French woman living in NYC and traveling through Patagonia alone.  We plan to meet again next week in Buenos Aires!9sm This is the Serrano Glacier.  To see this one, we left the boat and hiked about 25 minutes inland.  It was quite beautiful…10sm 12sm 13sm 14sm 15sm Back on the boat, the served everyone whiskey with ice from the glaciers.17sm Everyone got friendly when the whiskey was served – imagine that.  And Sophie and I befriended these lovely ladies from Mexico.  My broken Spanish and their tiny bit of english was just enough for us to become fast friends.18smHere is where our boat docked for us to have lunch on a cattle farm deep in the heart of the Chilean Fjords.19sm 20sm 21sm

One thought on “Balmaceda and Serrano Glacier Tour

  1. The beauty of this area is extraordinary. Not even close to anything here. Continue to explore, enjoy, and breathe the air of such incredible surroundings! We all miss you.

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